Power up
with coffee.

Coffee to drink in 2023

Coffee for holidays or any day

Our Blog

Coffee Meets perfection

Please note: the opinions expressed in this document should never be construed as advice. The thoughts are base on my experiences.  My likes and dislikes may vary drastically from yours.  Do your research and find products and experiences that align with your likes and dislikes.  

Al of Big Al's Coffee Club

Al of Big Al’s Coffee Club.  From the time in my youth, when I would lay on our garage roof watching planes traverse the skies above me, I knew I wanted to see the world. 

My passion grew after spending a semester of my university days in Barcelona.  I spent more time on trains and buses or coffee houses than I did in class.  

After earning my BA from Carleton University, life got in the way.  But I did find time to graduate again from George Brown in Fitness and Lifestyle Management and then work my way through most of a degree in Sports Administration. However I needed to find work and pay for all this education! 

It wasn’t until my “middle age” did I start exploring the world again.  First, transversing the US and Canada to take part in tennis tournaments. Then later to complete my spectator “grand slam” of tennis.  

I accomplished this while earning my certificate in photography from Toronto Metropolitan University.  I am now combining the two passions and now sharing with you my many lessons learned.  And my passion for coffees and teas.