Instant Coffee vs Fresh Brewed

Instant coffee versus brewed coffee. The age old question is what is the difference?

Instant coffee versus freshed brewed coffee is a debate in many circles. The aroma, the taste, the benefits which has the best?

Chai Tea – Good or No?

Tea is my coffee alternative in the afternoons or evenings

Chai tea has numerous health benefits, including antioxidants, anti-inflammatory properties, and aiding digestion. It can relieve stress, reduce nausea, and boost the immune system. Give it a try!

What Tea Should You Be Drinking?

Tea with lemon a healthy alternative

Tea is a healthy drink loved by many. It offers mental alertness due to caffeine, reduces chronic disease risks, and has antioxidants for better skin and immune health

Kicking Horse Coffee – Give It A Try

Kicking Horse Coffee, one of Canada's best coffee roasters

If you’re like me, you love trying different kinds of coffee. This winter, I have been checking out some blends from Kicking Horse Coffee.Their rich flavours are perfect for mornings or afternoons.

The Coffee Taste Test pt.1

Essentials of coffee tasting distilled down for the average joe

Looking to impress your coffee-drinking with your knowledge of the latest flavours? Here’s a starters guide to help you to distinguish between coffees.