Instant coffee versus fresh brewed coffee is a constant debate in my circle of family and friends. I grew up on the aroma of instant coffee wafting out of the kitchen in the early morning before the family headed out to the fields. I never partook of this coffee habit as I was always the last up.  But now nothing pleases me more than remembering to set the timer on my coffee maker so that I am awakened to the smell of fresh brewed coffee.

My first cup of instant coffee came in my first year of university back in 19-something, something! It was nearing the end of the first year and I had three essays to complete plus pass Russian and Spanish oral exams. I needed something to keep me going on a few hours of sleep.  I broke down bought a tea kettle and a jar of instant coffee. I was hooked.

The following university year, I spent in Barcelona studying.  I found espresso, café con leche and brewed coffee. I have to say now that I love all types of coffee. 

But what are the key differences between instant coffee and fresh brewed? And what should you be drinking if just starting out or just learning the nuances between both? Let’s talk about it here.

What is Instant Coffee?

A cup of instant coffee in the morning could be the kick to get you going

Instant Coffee is the quick fix for your morning coffee cravings.  It is quick and easy to fix. Just add boiling water.

Instant coffee itself is made by freeze drying or spray drying fresh brewed coffee. These methods are designed to help preserve the flavour and aroma of the coffee beans.

Any type of coffee bean can be used to make instant coffee. That being said, the taste of the coffee will vary depending on the quality of the beans used.

Some folks find instant coffee bitter or too strong due to the high concentration of caffeine. But do not be dissuaded for instant coffee!  Nowadays there are many instant coffee options on the market.  It isn’t your grandpa’s instant coffee anymore!

What is Brewed Coffee?

As I have gotten older and especially now where I find myself working from home, the scent of my coffee brewing is a motivator to get out of bed.  (I’ll do a post soon on why I love my current coffee system).

I have a question for you dear reader, what do you think of when you hear “brewed coffee”? You probably had an inkling that brewed coffee is made from ground coffee beans.

There is a reason we prefer it that way. You see, while whole coffee beans can last for months, once they’re ground, the caffeine and oils inside are exposed to air and quickly become stale.

Ground, on the other hand, can only last a few weeks before it goes bad. But never fear, the nuances of ground coffee are what make it the staple it is today. From the roast level to the grind size, there are many factors that contribute to the perfect cup of coffee.

Additionally, whether your taste runs to bitter, to sweet, or to nutty flavours, ground coffee can cater to all your caffeine needs. Why not then, take a moment and appreciate the hard work that went into growing and harvesting those coffee beans.

What is brewed coffee? Taste, aroma, smooth and good in the morning

Check out our Recommendations on Makers

What are the Differences Between Ground and Instant Coffee?

Difference between instant and brewed coffee?

So, are you a coffee purist or just drink whatever is put in front of you?  Purists understand the crisp taste and aroma of a freshly brewed coffee. 

However, many of us find ourselves where a quick fix of caffeine is needed, and hence instant coffee will do.  A quick side note: on a recent trip to Europe, I found most hotels instead of having coffee machines to brew coffee in the room had a small appliance to boil water and served instant coffee.

Furthermore, one discussion that I have with my fellow enthusiasts is does one type of coffee have more caffeine than the other. Instant coffee contains 30-60mg of caffeine per serving, while brewed coffee contains 95mg per serving.  

Lastly, the taste difference that we all notice between brewed and instant is rooted in the processing methods. The complex flavours and oils in fresh brewed coffee are lost in the instant coffee, resulting in a less flavourful and stale taste.  Now I know that some folks will say that makes brewed the winner but to be honest, I personally know just as many who swear by their cup of instant!

Benefits to Instant Coffee or Brewed Coffee

Back in my university days, when there were a ton of things to get done in a short period of time, I would consume 7 to 8 cups of coffee a day usually in the afternoon evening to keep me going while writing or reading.

However, that is not recommended. While everyone’s tolerance is different, most of the research that I have found recommends no more than 3 or 4 cups per day.  Negative side effects of more coffee than this could be dehydration or anxiety. 

In addition, according to some studies, instant coffee may contain higher levels of antioxidants due to the way it is processed. The caffeine in both can improve mental alertness and increase your metabolism. However, coffee may not be suitable for everyone. Pregnant women, individuals with heart conditions or anxiety disorders should avoid coffee.

Health benefits to instant or brewed coffee


To sum it up, instant coffee and brewed coffee each have their own unique flavours, some health benefits and each has a level of convenience. With essentially no calories to speak of, brewed coffee has a flavour and nuances that will get you through the day.

On the other hand, boil some water and a teaspoon of instant coffee may be all you need. It is quick and convenient.

In the end, there is no one-size-fits-all-answer. Experiment to discover which type of coffee works best for you? Maybe try one today? Ultimately, enjoy whichever type you choose as both have their merits – don’t forget about savouring the moment with every cup!

Please note: the opinions expressed in this document should never be construed as advice. The thoughts are base on my experiences.  My likes and dislikes may vary drastically from yours.  Do your research and find products and experiences that align with your likes and dislikes. Also if adding supplements or changing your diet, please consult your medical practitioner before starting.

Al of Big Al's Coffee Club

Al of Big Al’s Coffee Club.  From the time in my youth, when I would lay on our garage roof watching planes traverse the skies above me, I knew I wanted to see the world. 

My passion grew after spending a semester of my university days in Barcelona.  I spent more time on trains and buses or coffee houses than I did in class.  

After earning my BA from Carleton University, life got in the way.  But I did find time to graduate again from George Brown in Fitness and Lifestyle Management and then work my way through most of a degree in Sports Administration. However I needed to find work and pay for all this education! 

It wasn’t until my “middle age” did I start exploring the world again.  First, transversing the US and Canada to take part in tennis tournaments. Then later to complete my spectator “grand slam” of tennis.  

I accomplished this while earning my certificate in photography from Toronto Metropolitan University.  I am now combining the two passions and now sharing with you my many lessons learned.  And my passion for coffees and teas.